Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Sleep it off

We all know that we should be gettting at least 7-8 hours sleep per night to allow our bodies to recover for the next training session and to build and repair the damaged tissue from the previous days exertions. However for many teenagers this can be the biggest stage where our training and preparation fails, all because we cannot doze off.
So here are some tips to get you all getting enough zzz fom now on:

1. Turn it off;
I don't mean just the light, I mean all gadgets and gismos. The high frequency electromagnetic fields generated by artificial currents may disturb your brains natural levels, according to the Bio-Electro Magnetics Institute in the US. Brain waves during sleep are around 2hz on average, but the UK currently runs at levels of up to 50hz, so basically order an electrical blackout before bed!

2. Tire yourself out;
Beasting your body in the gym will ot only make you look better in your pj's but it will improve your quality of sleep. A study by british medical students found that subjects who exercised regularly had less sleep disturbances than those who didn't.

3. Drift off to classical music;
I know this sounds cheesy and I personally dont do this, but listening to classical music before bed was discovered to significantly raise sleep quality by a study published in the 'Journal of advanced Nursing'.

4. Wash away insomnia;
Having a good saok before bed really does help to improve your sleep patterns and make you nod of quicker, research has shown that subjects who took a hot bath 30 minutes before bed made fewer restless movements and also fell asleep far quicker on average than those who didn't.

5. Go for decaf;
Coffeee? Before bed? Do I really need to tell you why you don't want to be having caffine before trying to fall asleep? According to a journal of Sleep Medicine, switching to decaf all day will actually greatly improve your overall quality of sleep and make it far easier to nod off. So ditch the caffine!

Also on a point more related to training, your quality of sleep determines more than just your energy next day. A lack of sleep not only leaves you feeling sluggish but will lower your testosterone levels and production of growth hormones as well as increasing the production of the muscle damaging hormone cortisol. Also in terms of fat loss, good quality sleep = higher metabolic rate for those 7-8 hours and so = more weight loss! So get into bed and actually sleep tonight!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Smart Shop

Here's a few tips to help you sort out your weekly shop and keep your nutritional plans up to date and keep you fueling your training in positive ways.

1. Aim for Fresh Veg:
Make your first stop at the fresh veg aisle and target as many menbers of the brassica family as possible (e.g broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower) they can not only help to reduce the risk of cancer, but also provide many of the much needed minerals that your need to keep your body going and keep your muscles recovering fullly before your next training session.

2. Get Organic:
Organic food has come under scrutiny in the past few years with an academic study from the 'Food Standrads Agency' claiming that it offered, "no health benifits" over regular food. But when it comes to meat and dairy it would be stupid to consume somthing that wasn't organic or free range. This ensures that the meat does not contain traces of unwanted drugs, or poor quality, fat ridden cuts of meat.

3. Get into the freezer:
Avoid the pizza and ice cream and you'll find some healthy options in the frozen asile. 'Whole fods maintain their nutrients better when frozen because vegetables are generally picked and then frozen straight away' says Bishop-Weston. Scientific studies have confirmed that fresh veg lost around half of is nutritional content in the process of picking, transportation and cooking. The frozen veg is also better as it contains no additives unlike chilled meals.

4. Avoid low fat products:
'Low fat means that it contains less than 3 grams of fat per 100 grams, while reduced fat means that it is at least 25% lower in fact than the standard product. While you may think you're making the healthier choice, they ofn replace fats with sugar and artificial flavourings to make them more tasty. Also research in the Cornell university in the USA has suggested that people who eat low fat products actually consume more calories because you underestimate how much you eat. Besides we need fats to make cells and they are essential for survival, just aviod the trans fats and saturated fats. Tip - become a compulsive labell reader next time you shop.

5. Take only what you NEED:
Supermarkets are desigened to draw your attention to the layers of crap stacked wall to wall in the shop. Instead try to make a list of what you want to get before you go to help avoid temptation in aisles lined with high carb and fat products. Also, if you know that you dont want anything from an isle, dont go down it or temptation may overwhelm you and you'll come away with food that neither you nor your body needs.

6. Avoid 'free from' food:
This section may appear virtuous, but there's a reason this section isn't called 'healthy food'. Just becasue it is free from one ingredient doesn't mean that the others are all good. Make sure you check the label for sugar, fat and salt levels or else it just isnt worth it.

Also heres a good tip, the ingredient list must be listed from highest to lowest in terms of % inclusion in the food. For example if your peanut butter doesn't have peanuts as the first ingredient then get rid of it fast, because it more likely than not has more salt than peanuts in the jar! I mean who wants to be eating that?! 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Do 100 Push-ups Now!

So you want to know how to perfrom a century off push ups? Well look no further, below is a detailed plan of how to prepare for this landmark set and a few tips on how to get there fast!

(click to enlarge)
This plan comes from trainer Daniel Carlos and should be carried out over the 4 week period suggested but keep your other training going as normal.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

MMA / Cardio Workout

Stretches- see recovery page for more details on stretching for MMA.

Body weight moves and basic cardio:
  • (4 sets) To failure – lat pull up (with side to side motion)
  • (3 sets) Super setting, incline press ups to failure, and hanging leg raises 10 reps
  • Abs circuit – 1 minute intervals, sit ups, the plank, Russian twists, v-shaped sit ups, 6 inches hold, side planks (30 seconds each for side planks)
  •  Cross trainer – quick start level 10-12 keep speed above 15 at all times.
  •  The plank – 2 minutes
  •  (2 sets) 20 reps kettle bell raises switching hands each rep.

Heavy Bag work:
  • 3 minute round of heavy bag work.
  • (2 sets)  1 minute intervals, press up, into a side roll and the up into a roundhouse kick, Then return to a press up and roll the other way, before kicking with opposite leg.
  •  (2 sets ) 1 minute intervals, side ways ladder high knee raises then sprawl at end of ladder, Then repeat in opposite direction. (sprawl = fall into a press up position with your legs apart and back arched upwards)
  • (2 sets) 1 minute intervals, Press ups into a jumping knee, then back into a press up and knee with opposite leg.
  • 3 minute round of shadow boxing, (fighting the air, imagine an imaginary opponent and practice all moves as well as defensive manovers.
Cool down – 5minutes on the bike any level, any speed