Rest days, all though not necessary to every work out scheme, play a big part in muscle repair and recovery.

Quick Tip: to sleep easier try eating a banana before bed. It has been proven that tryptophan which is found in banana'a produces the sleep inducing chemical serotonin, and they are rich in magnesium which helps with muscle rexations and should help you drift off to sleep.
Recovery workouts:
There are two types of recovery workouts. Either immediately after your training session or on a rest day.Keeping the body moving immediately after a workout, especially weights training can help to remove hours of uncomfortable muscle stress. Doing light cardio work will get your heart pumping blood aroud the muscles bringing oxygenated blood and removing lactic acid and Co2.
Just because it's your rest day doesn't mean you take the day off and sit on the sofa watching re-runs of Top-gear all day. Instead try to get active and do a recovery session. These work best when performed 5-12 hours after the previous work out and involve either gentle jogging/ cycling or short and less demanding weights sessions.
A recovery workout will help to lessen musscle stiffness and keep your body ticking over until the next session.

This is a lycra type outfit, usually just a t-shirt or long sleve under armour shirt. Wearing this when training will help to reduce muscle swelling and inflamation which can lead to a prolonged recovery time. It also improves the body's circulation which in turn removes more free radicals from the damaged tissues.
Runners or cyclists will want to wear compression gear trousers to prevent tight and sore legs the next day.
If you are training chest muscles it is even better to wear lycra or under armour as the tight fitting shirt reduces muscle swelling and because it reduces muscle swelling your chest( which is most potent to swell up) . This is an advantage as the chest muscles become more fatigued when they swell so by wearing your tight top your can lift heavier for longer.
Ice Baths:
By bringing the body temperature well down, the ice baths help to eliviate muscle inflamation caused during your workout. This constriction of the blood vessels means that your muscles are able to heal and flush out more lactic acid. However its about as much fun as falling into a thick pile of snow, naked.
Sore Rotator Cuffs:
This can be the single most annoying sensation the day after a chest workout, which makes raising your arms a real pain. But with this quick tip it'll be a thing of the past. Simply get a tennis ball (or ball of similar size) and roll it over your chest with your arm out straight to the side, level with your shoulder. roll the ball across the top of your chest into your arm pit and back again for 30-45 seconds for each pectoral and it should help to squeeze the lactic acid out of the region before it leads to mucsle soreness and excess damage. Repeat this 2-3 three times after the workout is complete and it should releive the pressure and stop that awful soreness next day.
Stretching is not just there for the warm up and cool down of your training sessions. a good stretch can help improve your flexibility and actually your strength. By stretching your muscles you are increasing the area of muscle working. The more muscle you stretch the more you are likely to build. Also stretching muscles like the calves and abs which are used more often in any exercise you do, and everyday life you will get better results in these areas.
Stretching before a workout will help with your performance and reduce the chance of muscle cramps during exercise. You want to hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds at a time to get the benefit from it.
Stretching in your cool down, especially after cardio and leg workouts are vital. Your legs can really cramp up and feel tight for days if you don't stretch them out after a hard session.
Leg Stretches:
As a Mixed Martial Artist I do alot of leg stretches. Below is a guide to my leg stretch warm up and cool down session. Doing this every other day will gradually increase your flexibility but don't worry if you can't quite do it yet.
Firstly remove all shoes and preferably socks and stand up straight.
Now spread your legs out as far as you can (like doing the splits)
Place the palms of your hands down onto the floor and then lower your body until your elbows touch the floor, shuffle them back towards your legs.
Come back up onto the palms of your hands and keeping one in the centre take your right hand and grab your right ankle. Pull your head in towards your right knee. Then repeat on your left side.
Put both hands back into the centre and walk your fingers back between your legs as far as you can without falling over.
For extra flexibility now place both of your hands in the centre and go up onto your heels and do not put the sole of your feet on the floor. Turn your toes to face the sides and back to the front slowly. Do this 15-20 times. Then rest your feet back on the floor but don't bring your feet in. Now Lift your body upright raising your hands above your head. Lean your body forward reaching out in front of you with your hands together. Hold for 20 seconds. And relax. (this is hard to do so don't worry if you are struggling)
To stretch out your quads simply grab an ankle and pull it up behind you standing on the other leg. Pull until you feel the stretch and hold. Change legs afterwards. IF you find it difficult to balance then try grabbing your ear or staring at one spot on the ground in front of you this should help(some how?)
To stretch your calves simply lunge forwards keeping your legs shoulder width apart and keep both heels on the floor. Your should feel the stretch in your calf. If not try this; using a pillar or door frame, place your toes on the pillar (off the floor) and the heel resting at an angle. Now pull your torso towards the pillar and you should feel the stretch.
Upper Body Stretches:
To stretch out your chest use a door frame or the bench. Place the palm of your hands on either side of the door frame at 90 degree angles and lean through the door.
To stretch your shoulders simply place one hand on top of the other and stretch them up above your head. Or in the same position place both hands on the wall in front of you an lean towards it, forcing your arms backwards. You should feel a pull on your shoulders.
Tricep stretches involve reaching up and over to the shoulder blades and then place the other hand on your bent elbow. Simply push the bent arm backwards as you reach down your back.
Another arms stretch involves reaching your arm straight across your chest and again grabing behind the elbow pull the arm in towards yourself.
To stretch our your neck, place one hand under your chin and push back gently, then place the hand on the back of your head and pull it into the chest. Then pull the head gently towards each shoulder, trying to touch your ear onto the shoulder. Finally circle the head slowly around From looking at your chest - to the side - to the sky and then the other side.
Abdominal stretches:
The best abdominal stretch is the bridge. this is done by getting into a press up position. However keep your legs touching the floor. Keep the elbows bent at first and slowly press them out but instead of going upwardsyou want to curve your body backwards.
After a tough abs circuit make sure you stetch them out or you'll struggle to even get out of bed the next day, and don't even try to do another abs session the next day unless you stretch them out or you'll not be able to push yourself anywhere close to to previous days abs workout.