You barely need any kit either just an exercie mat, or a thick towel and a set of dumbells but they dont have to be heavy in fact anything between 6-10 kg will work well.
Circuit 1: Abs (see earlier blog post for more details)
Sit ups - 60 seconds
The plank - 60 seconds
Russian Twists - 60 secondsV-shaped sit ups - 60 seconds
6 inches leg raise - 60 seconds
Side plank twists - 60 seconds
This circuit targets the whole core mucle area and is particularly effective on the lower areas of the 6 pack. perofrm it 2-3 times with approximately 45 seconds to 1 minute rests in between each cicuit, no rest between exercises for best results.
Circuit 2: chest + shoulders
Press ups - to failure
Lateral raise - 8-10 reps
Incline press ups - to failure (feet on the bed)
vertical raise - 8- 10 reps
Exlosive press ups - to failure
Shoulder press - to failure
Great way to build up the upper torso and works best with a 1 minutes rest in between circuits with as little rest time as possible between exercises.
Circuit 3: Abs 2
Sit ups - 60 seconds
Russian Twists - 60 seconds
The Plank - 60 seconds
ab Twists with dumbells - 20 reps
V- shape sit ups - 60 seconds
6 inches leg raise - 60 seconds
Another good abs session this time only complete the circuit 2 times it works on the entire core area again and abs great tone to the general six pack shape. Again aim for only 45 seconds rest between each circuit and no rest between the exercises.
Circuit 4: Full body
Squatt thrusts - 60 seconds
Tricep kickbacks - 10 reps each side
Dumb bell press up rows - 20 reps each hand (see below for more detail)
V-shaped situps - 60 seconds
Press ups - to failure
21's - 1 set
Only do this circuit twice and make sure this is the last one you do as it is a great way to rev your metabolism through the roof before you finish. take 1.5 mins rest periods between each circuit and try not to stop between each exercise for optimal results.
(Dumb bell press up rows = get into a press up position with 1 dumbell between your hands and do a press up, then hold the press up with straight arms and row the dumbell in one hand, then do another press up and change hands repeat 20 times per hand)
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