Shoulders, one of the hardest muscles to build, mainly due to the effects of overtraining with other muscle groups - chest, back... and also form the problems arrising from poor form when training. Lateral raises are a perfect example of beth. Many people either try to lift to much and end up using their back and core to lift it more than a controlled motion of the shoulders.
It is best to perfom this move with light dumbells, 6-10kg, until you are extrememly comfortable with the technique. It also works best if tou train to failure, instead of aiming for a specific rep range each time, giving your shoulders a more direct impact from the motion. I am currently using 8kg dumbells and am doing 4 sets of 8-12 reps per set. I also find that it is a great move for a shoulder burn out at the end of the workout allowing you to finish off your workout and get a great pump. Check out the video to see how its done. But one thing to aloways remember when doing this move or any shoulder move is that its about the resistance, not the weight, in bodybuilding it doesn't matter what weight you lift when compared to everyone else, as long as you can FEEL IT!
It is best to perfom this move with light dumbells, 6-10kg, until you are extrememly comfortable with the technique. It also works best if tou train to failure, instead of aiming for a specific rep range each time, giving your shoulders a more direct impact from the motion. I am currently using 8kg dumbells and am doing 4 sets of 8-12 reps per set. I also find that it is a great move for a shoulder burn out at the end of the workout allowing you to finish off your workout and get a great pump. Check out the video to see how its done. But one thing to aloways remember when doing this move or any shoulder move is that its about the resistance, not the weight, in bodybuilding it doesn't matter what weight you lift when compared to everyone else, as long as you can FEEL IT!