Saturday, 5 May 2012

Best moves for that V-shaped Back

All professional bodybuilders seem to have this v shape about their upper torso that everyone talks about. Well here are the 4 top rated moves to getting into that shape, (exculding deadlifts as they are classified as a LEG exercise).

1. Lat pulldown:
Obvious number 1, the latissimus dorsi muscles make up the main body of the upper back and the V- shaped torso. This move, if performed correctly is a great way to perfect your overall shape. Try getting a weight that you are comforable with, but have to squeeze out the last few reps with each set and aim for 8-12 reps each time for optimal muscle growth and size. Also don't cheat! Keep your back straight and control the pull down into the chest or behind the head. Do Not start using your lower back to shift the weight, it ain't what we came to train!
Also try switching the pull down position from into the chest to behing the head in between sets to get extra muscle straing and recruit all of the 'lat' muscle.

2. Bent-over row:
Perfromed with a barbell this move works wonders for the v-shaped torso. It targets the lats again but also hits the core, lower back, rhomboids and middle traps. Its perfect for building up your back muscles and gives great definition to your 'lats'.
In order to keep this move effective there are several tips;
Change the way your perfrom the move, try doing controled reps for a few weeks and then one week of explosive reps with more weight. This shocks the muscles into growth and means you will lift more next week in the controlled stage again.
Also many bodybuilders recomend grip aiding straps so that your lift is not affected mid set due to a lack of grip in your forearms, especially in the explosive week.

3. T-bar row:
This is similar to the bent over row and hits virtuallt the same muscles, but your grip is narrowed so it aims to build the back upwards and add size to the main muscle groups. I would recomend using straps for this to aid the lift especially once you start to up the weight. Aim for 10 controlled reps with each set for best results.

4. Wide grip pullups:
The bodyweight move that works wonders for your back muscles, all of them! With a grip like lat pull down (wide) perfrom the pull up for about 3-4 sets to failure to get the best results.

Additionally once your bodyweight becomes to easy try either adding a weighted belt, or holding a dumbell between your feet as you do the move for xtra resistnce.
Another tip for extra growth and a much harder workout is performing the move with a side to side motion at the top of each rep. i.e Pull your self up to the top, then shift your body to the left, till your eyes are level wih your left hand, and then shift to the right, then down again. Thats one rep. This extra motion is a killer for the back and works wonders for your gym reputation if done properly.

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