Thursday 29 November 2012

Bar Curls

Okay so everyone wants bigger biceps, not only for the pride of it, but for that t-shirt mass when you go out. However many of you will be mainly using dumbbells for biceps when in fact by incorporating the barbell it automatically forces the joints and muscles to undertake a more intense range of motion.
The first thing you want to be doing when planning out your barbell biceps workout is starting with the bigger exercises first that will utilize the greatest number of muscle fibers. Doing so will help ensure that you are able to generate a maximum amount of force on the exercises that will deliver the best results. This includes using straight bar curls, underhand rows and close grip pull ups. After you’ve finished with those exercises, then it will be time to move on to the isolated movements that are really going to zero in and hit the biceps hard. Here, you will want to primarily focus on movements such as dumbbell bicep curls, EZ bar curls and dumbbell concentration curls.
But don’t use all of these moves in one session, rather pick two of each and create a workout that works well for you. In order to allow them to get optimum recover times and growth you want to train them for 16 sets max that’s 4 sets per exercise. Also never train them and back together or even the next day. This is because many back moves need the biceps to help with the exercise and so the bicep is further fatigued. Try putting chest or legs in between these days for better gains.

Another tip is changing your barbell grip for even better results, one week have a normal grip on the bar with your hands about level with your shoulders, or by keeping your arms brushing your sides with each rep, then the following week use a close grip with only 10-12cm between your hands to hit the fibers in different ways and get optimum results from your training.

Friday 23 November 2012

Shopping Tips

So here are a few great tips to remember when you are out shopping for new healthy, high protein foods to include in your diet and a few tips on diet layout and structuring a good meal plan and shopping list for your bodybuilding and training style.

Don't forget to subscribe to the youtube channel - kurtyweir1 and like us on facebook and check out the other training videos on the youtube channel or blog. Just follow the links at the side of the page. Thanks

Friday 16 November 2012

Simple Healthy Swaps

So a lot of you have been asking me about healthy meals, snacks and some tips for buying healthy foods. So here a a few healthy swaps you can make in your diets that will increase your meals nutritional values and make you a little healthier.

Don't forget to subscribe to the youtube channel - kurtyweir1 and like us on facebook and check out the other training videos on the youtube channel or blog. Just follow the links at the side of the page. Thanks

Monday 12 November 2012

Incline Cable Rows

A great move for addding thickness to your back. It targets the traps, rear delts, lats and the biceps ( to a minor extent). Its also good as you have to really control the speed of the cable and this allows you to perform negative reps as well in your set. Give it a go next time you need some variation t your back routines.

Don't forget to like us on facebook and check out the other training videos on the youtube channel or blog. Just follow the links at the side of the page. Thanks

Monday 5 November 2012

Green Tea boosts HGH

As I have mentioned before in a previous post Green tea is widely known to be beneficial for weight loss, and thousands of websites offer green tea products for this purpose. As it is such an important herb for weight management, and particularly for reducing body fat and increasing lean body mass it may surprise you that it has also been linked with the production of the human growth hormone.

Research from . This is a clip of their results’ “Fifty subjects were assigned to the green tea extract plus hypocaloric diet (lower calorie diet), while the other 50 subjects followed the hypocaloric diet only. After 90 days of treatment, significant weight loss and decreased body mass index (BMI) were observed in the group taking the herbal extract (14-kg loss in the green tea group compared to a 5-kg loss in the diet-only group); waistline was reduced only in male subjects. Besides the effect on weight and BMI, biochemical parameters (LDL-, HDL-, and total cholesterol, triglycerides, human growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin, and cortisol) were improved in both groups.

The result is that HGH increased by 321% over the starting point. Note that even the control group showed a 20 percent increase, which just goes to show you how important weight management is for hormone balance and overall health. But this staggering increase in human growth hormone is a main reason why from this day forth I strongly suggest that you take green tea at least once a day either as a cup of tea or by pouring a sachet into your protein shake post workout for best results.