Weights Training

Weights training is for those who want to build muscle. Its as simple as that. if you want more muscle, you need to get of the tredmill and into the free weights.

Building Bulk:
Adding size and mass is a main aim for many people who step into the free weights section and that's great, your in the right place.
However, muscle gains doesn't involve a training style of heavy lifts and little reps.Instead you should be aiming to work the muscle as long as it can. not to failure, but really work the muscle. Aim to get 8-12 reps of the heavy weight and I mean complete reps, none of this only lowering the bar halfway to the chest and then pushing it off again. For your lower body you want to aim for 12-15 reps to get the best results. Also make sure you squeeze the muscle with every rep, urging it to grow. Keep going up the weights either in the form of heavier weights or by increasing the repitions from the standard 8 reps to 10-12 reps, therefore the muscles will have to react to the increased stress and grow. But don't lift too heavy! Otherwise you'll either overtrain the muscle and reduce growth or injure yourself! also if you want to build muscle i recomend staying away from 3 reps and below lifts, not only are you not stimulating to muscles (you actually train the nervous system more this way) but you also put a lot of pressure on your joints which ain't good.

Another good tip that I didn't have at the start of my training was the importance of increasing the muscles 'time under tension'. The negative or lowering motion of the lift is just as important and the lift itself to build up good quality muscle mass and definition. Make your muscle work and then you'll be able to sculpt the muscle into the shape you want.
In order to build more muscle faster you need to mix up your training. Don't let your muscles fall into a continuous style of training, instead keep rotating two or three different sessions. This keeps the muscles working at different levels and so they will continually grow.

Rest is key to building big muscles so make sure you get plenty of sleep to allow your muscles to repair and grow before the next session.
Another good tip for building large muscle mass is to have protein before and after a workout. By having a high carbs and protein meal before training your muscles will be constantly supplied with the nutrients they need to grow. And don't forget your post workout protein shake as it allows the muscles to expand before the protein hits them, giving you more size faster.

Lean Muscle:
Lean muscle is a big part of my sport. As a Mixed Martial Artist I need to be strong, but fast. Have the power to land that knockout blow, but be agile enough to dodge a counter punch. So lean muscle building is a big part of my training.
Lean muscle builds best with more reps of lower weights, so if you want a ripped, lean physique, ditch the one rep max lifts, cause they're doing nothing for you.
Instead try lifting the weight for 10 reps with good technique instead of struggling to lift heavier for 6 reps.

Super setting your weight sessions is a good way to build muscle and burn calories, giving you that lean, ripped physique. Also try having your protein shake before your work out in order to build lean muscle, as it repairs the muscle fatser, allowing less time for the muscle to swell and also helps boost energy levels without raising your carb intake.

A good way to build lean muscle is training in sections. i.e training Arms, Legs, Chest and shoulders, and Back on seperate days. This allows you to train every day of the week as each of the 4 groups does not need the previos muscles to train so you can improve your muscle mass withut adding extra weight or calories.

Body Weight:
Training using body weight moves is a great way to burn calories and increase your muscle mass in one go and you don't even need to leave your room to perform similar lifts to the gym! Infact you can do a complete all body workout simply using the stuff found in any typical bedroom. Body weight moves are great for training towards lean muscle gains and increasing your fitness. Try doing your body weight workout in a circuit style. This should help to get your heart rate high enough to burn off the unwanted fat you may be carrying and also helps to give your whole body a great workout without having to leave your bedroom.

Recently when on holiday I came up with a session that worked most of my muscles and had me swetting like I'd been on a 5 mile run.

Estimated time of session 40-50 minutes.

                  Press ups (to failure or 50 reps if you can make it)  x4
                  Squatts (20 reps)  x4
                  V-sit ups ( 100 reps or to failure)
                  Decline press ups (30 reps)  x4
                  Sit ups (100 reps or to failure)
Superset    > Lunges (10 reps each leg) x4
Superset    >Tricep press ups (20 reps) x4
                   The plank (2 minutes or to failure)

A few other moves to try out are pull ups and tricep dips. These however usually require some apparatus to do but are great warm up or cool down moves after a hard 'Arms' weights session in the gym. Try doing the dips either with your arms behind you on the bench with your feet on another bench in front of you. Or you can do them on the dip bars, which involves holding your self upright on two horrizontal bars and dipping down between them bending your arms to right angles.

Tonning your muscles is a great way to get that deffinition that you want. But it is not recomended to do this until you reach the size you want to be.

Very few people understand how effective low reps are for muscle tone. Low reps create harder contractions and over time, your muscle will display better tone. Feel free to include medium to high reps, but make sure you don't neglect heavier low rep training as well. Gaining strength at a low body fat level is a great way to look ripped.

However as said above you need to get your diet right if you want to see the toned muscles you have built in the gym.

Try big muscle moves such as shoulder press, bench press, squatts and lat pull down to get lots of muscles working and working hard.