Sunday 28 April 2013

20 minute stress busting revision workout

Okay so its coming towards exam month in May and June and many of you will be deep into revision for the upcoming exams. This can be a very stressful time and many of you will need to release this stress in one way or another. Studies show that doing physical exercise for 1 hour a day will help to boost your mental concentration levels and reduce stress. So here is a short 20 minute workout you can do at home as you do not need any equipment and it will help reduce stress and increase the oxygen flow to your brain to help you with revision. I have used it myself in the past so give it a go, it really does work.

Push ups as many as you can in 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Squatt thrusts 30 second burst
30 seconds rest
Triceps dips 30 second burn out
30 seconds rest
Star jump touching the ground with each rep 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Sit ups 30 seconds as many as you can
30 seconds rest
Horse stance hold for 30 seconds
2 minute break

Repeat this workout 3 times and it should take you just under 20 minutes if you stick to the recommended rest times.

Sunday 21 April 2013

1 Handed Push Ups

In this video I discuss how to perform a 1 handed push up, the position of your hands and feet and what muscles it targets. Its a great move to build up power and strength for a multitude of sports such as rugby, american football and all of the martial arts. Check it out:

Don't forget to subscribe to the youtube channel - kurtyweir1 and like us on facebook and check out the other nutrition and training videos on the youtube channel or blog. Just follow the links at the side of the page. Thanks

Sunday 14 April 2013

Gladiator Workout

Okay so I have been running a Gladiator workout now for a few weeks, its a full body workout that includes a lot of body weight moves and light cardio to get you in shape fast for summer.
Here is the latest workout routine we did on April 13th 2013 check it out:

Begin with  5 minutes of stretching
1. Push ups - 3 sets of 30 second bursts of push ups with a short rest time in between
2. Lunges - 3 sets of 10 reps each leg
3. The plank - 2 sets of 30 seconds with a short break in between
4. crawling push ups - 3 sets of 5 intervals (do 3 push ups, crawl forwards 5 paces=1 interval do this 5 times)

Jog to next location takes 5 minutes maximum

5. Box jumps - 3 sets of 9 reps making sure the squatt before the jump is deep (ass to grass)

Jog to next location approximately 1 minute

6. Tricep dips - 3 sets for 30 second intervals, (30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds rest)

Jog to next location approximately 1 minute

7. Lat pull ups - (wide grip) do 3 sets to failure
8. The plank - 2 sets of 30 seconds with a short break in between
9. Bicep chin ups - 2 sets to failure

Jog back to the starting position (5 mins max)

End with 5 minutes of stretching and light cool down moves.

Here's a quick video to show what else you can do and other moves that I swap in and out to mix up my training enjoy:

Sunday 7 April 2013

TRX workout

Here is a new full body workout for you. Using only your bodyweight and the TRX machine you can hit every muscle and boost your balance and core strength whilst gaining easily transferable strength for most sports. Check out his video and the workout below:

Chest press - 4 sets to failure
Bicep pull ups  -4 sets of 10 reps
Ab jackknives - 3 sets of 20 reps
Back pull ups - 4 sets to failure
Single leg squatts - 4 sets of 10 reps each leg
Obleak jackknives  -3 sets of 10 reps each side 
Chin ups on bar - 3 sets to failure
single leg lunges - 4 sets of 10 reps each leg