Sunday 30 September 2012

Mr Olympia 2012

The Mr Olympia finals were held this weekend in Las Vegas Nevada USA. The best of the best came to do battle on stage and it was one of the best ever shows despite 4 time Mr Olympia Jay Cutler being absent through injury.
With the new champion from 2011 Phill Heath defending his title it was going to be an epic showdown. Branch Warren the Arnold Classic champion was back after injury and looked a strong competetor in the pre judging. kai Greene to had put on extra muscle and was one of the biggest athletes on stage.
The Olympia also welcomed 6 new athletes to the competition. However when it came down to it the age and experience showed with the top 6 places going to 'Veteran' Olympia competetors.

However it all came down to Phil versus Kai and it was an epic battle. See for yourself.

But in the end the Champion and my personal favourite Phil Heath took the big prize and fully deserved his win. In my opinion he achieved his goal to have' People say I won the damn show before I even hit a pose!' After winning the Olympia he has come out and said, "We did it, we defeated the haters again!" earlier he claimed"don't take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second more lips are waiting to say that your first victory is was just luck". Well I think we can agree that it was all hard work no luck was involved in this victory.

Top 6 places:

1. Phil Heath (2x Mr O.)
2. Kai Greene
3. Shawn Roden
4. Dexter Jackson (1x Mr O.)
5. Branch Warren
6. Denis Wolf

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Pasta + Turkey and peppers

This is another healthy meal that I use especially as a post workout meal to replenish my carbohydrate and glycogen levels and fill me up after a tough gym session. Using 80 grams of wholemeal pasta, 100 grams of sliced turkey and a handful of chopped peppers. The wholemeal pasta is much lower is sugar and has a lower GI index than white pasta and is also more filling. The turkey, being a very lean meat is also a great source of protein without the added calories or fat count, so helps to even out the high carb pasta well. By adding peppers it gives the dish some flavour and vitamins including vitamin C and D.

Nutritional values:
Protein – 37grams
Carbs – 49 grams
Fats – 7 grams
kcals - 407

Friday 21 September 2012

Machines vs. Free weights

This is a common debate I hear in the gym, free weights are better than machines. But is it always the case, a lot of people will disagree with this statement. In this video I will discuss the benifits and negative side to each option.

Don't forget to like us on facebook and check out the other training videos on the youtube channel or blog. Just follow the links at the side of the page. Thanks

Sunday 16 September 2012

Body Update September 2012

So it has been 6 months since my fitst ever shredding cycle in march 2012. I ended that cycle at 75kg, (165 pounds). Now its time for an update on my personal progress and I can happily say that I gained 5kg of muscle in that time. I'm now weighing in at 80kg at 10% bodyfat. Here are a few pictures to show you my progress.

To see my full statistics head over to and click on statictics.
Also you can check out a few daily updates from the last 2 weeks.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Building a Thick Inner Chest

This video outlines the main poits to consider when trying to develop a thick inner chest and get more chest definition. It also gives some moves to hit this area better and should help you improve this area in your training.

Don't forget to like us on facebook and check out the other training videos on the youtube channel or blog. Just follow the links at the side of the page. Thanks

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Back workout

It's back day today so I thought I'd share with you one of my back workout routines. It lasts about an hour - 1 hour 10 mins depending on my rest times and weight, but I usually triain back for 55 minuts and finish with 10 minutes of abs using any 3 of the abs circuits on the blog.

Don't forget to like us on facebook and check out the other training videos on the youtube channel or blog. Just follow the links at the side of the page. Thanks

Saturday 1 September 2012

Abs Circuit 3

Swiss Ball jack-knives  (15-20 reps)
Side crunches  (10 reps each side)
Plank (1 minute)
Leg raises  (20 reps)
Knee up crunches  (30-40 reps)
Russian twists  (1 minute)

Unsure of a few moves? Jackknives can be found in section 2011, august, day 6. Side crunches are perfromed from lying on your side with the hand underneath placed across your chest holding the opposite shoulder. The other hand is in the normal sit up position. Now raise your legs and crunch your body upwards into a slight v shape and lower back down again.
Russian twists are performed from a sit up position with your feet off the ground, either out straight or knees bent. Then keeping both hands together, twist your body to each side and touch both hands to the floor, then twist the opposite way and repeat.

Timing and duration:
For beginners try completing the circuit twice with a rest time in between each circuit of 2-3 minutes with as little rest as possible between each exercise.
For a more advanced workout try completing the circuit 3 times with a rest between each circuit of 1-2 minutes and no rest between exercises.

Want to go even harder, then add weight to the Russian twists in the form of a small dumbbell 2-5kg should be fine. Or hold the plank for longer, up to 2 minutes or beyond. Or simply do more reps of the crunches, leg raises or jack-knives.

But most importantly finish the circuit in a controlled but high effort way for best results. Remember you are only cheating yourself if you cheat the circuit.