Bad Habits

Okay so we all develop small habits in the gym, but many of them could be seriously hindering your progress and training. Check out the most common bad habits below:

To much Abs: Training to get a six pack is one of the biggest aims in a gym. Everyone wants those shredded, perfect abdominal muscles, but the problem a lot of people face is that they don't allow their abs to recover. Training them regularly will help sculpt and shape your abs, but not every day. Try 3-4 times a week instead for optimum results.

Bad form: Poor technique and bad form are a major bad habit that a lot of people develop. Most people simply don't even realise they are doing it. It's mostly down to 2 things. Ego and Competition. People want to boost their ego and lift heavy weights, but lifting too heavy can cause you to take the pressure and strain from the muscle you want to target and thus result in a poor workout or even injury. Competition with other gym goers also leads to the same problem, causing you to try to do more reps or lift heavier than you can properly and thus poor form develops.

Cheat reps: Cheat reps such as only lowering the bar half way on a bench press or not reaching 90 degrees in a leg press or squat are examples of cheat reps, and again is usually cause by lifting a weight that is too heavy for you too soon. If you get a full range of motion you will work the whole muscle, and get more growth and gains from it rather than barely activating the target muscle with half reps.

Diet: Okay so not exactly caused in the gym, but it can seriously affect your performance in the gym and the results you either get or see. If you use the right diet plan for your goals you will not only feel the results but see them as well. Use the wrong diet and training combination and you wont. Check out the nutrition page for more details.

Grip: Having a poor grip on a bar or rowing machine can lead to long term injury or simply not hit the muscle you wanted to target with the lift or exercise. For example having a narrow grip on the bench press only works triceps and your posterior deltoid. But if you widen the grip to 1 and a half shoulder widths apart you will get all of the chest working as well. Also if you keep your grip on the bar bell in either a suicide grip without the thumb locking in your grip you could drop the bar or dumbbell and injury either yourself or your spotter. Also if you grip a bar on the bench press with your palm facing the ceiling it could lead to the long term development of carpel tunnel syndrome, instead grip it so that the knuckles point to the ceiling. This grip will also take the pressure of the lift off your elbows and onto the chest and shoulder muscle more.

Too Heavy: Like I have said before lifting too heavy a weight leads to all sorts of problems, either joint or muscle injury, or even to tendon issues. It also usually results in poor form that in turn reduces the effect of the lift and does not stimulate the muscle as much as lifting a lighter weight with good technique would.

No Negative reps: The eccentric phase of any lift should always be slower than the concentric phase of the lift. E.g lowering a bicep curl should last longer than lifting it. This technique will put more strain on the muscle and thus yield greater growth. You are naturally stronger on the eccentric phase of any lift and so should be able to perform it slowly with good technique and if you do, the muscle will grow.

No Plan: If you don't even have a rough plan when you come into the gym you wont get anywhere. Even a simple plan of 'I want to train my legs' is enough because then you have a purpose, rather than doing a few sets here and a few there and then going home. Instead try to plan even a basic session out before you train, that way you can check your progress and get a more efficient and rewarding training session.

Too much Rest: a bad habit in crowded gyms or when training with a partner or friend. Taking too long in between sets can ruin a workout, not only does the muscle recover and not get worked as hard, but also your body adapts to the training quickly and so you get less reward for your work. Try to stick to 1 minute max for your rest times between sets for muscle building and 1 and a half minutes for strength.

Annoying Habits:

Every Gym is brilliant in its own way, it will suit the needs of everyone who trains there. However every gym also has people who continually drive the rest of us crazy. This short guide will help to rooot out the problems and hopefully prevent further annoyance for us all.

1. Too much chatter:
There are always people who come in and just talk to anyone around them. Even if they look busy or are not interested in what they have to say. This not only does them no good at all but keeps the rest of us back when they do this. A guy at my gym continually talks to me even when I ignore him and continue working and to be honest it just isn't helping anyone.

2. Time Wasting:
Talking too much, texting or phoning people in the gym, even reading a book between sets. Ive seen it all and it drives me crazy, when I'm waiting for a bench or squatt rack and the person using it takes half an hour to do 3 sets and leave. If your not totally focused and working then you wont get the results and being slow doesn't help the ret of us. this long waiting for machinces or benches ruins our work outs too. It slows our metabolic rates and heart rates down again and really ruins our session.

3. Heavy metal hording:
As Joe Warner says it is a form of 'Gorilla Warfare'. People in the gym somtimes feel the need to grab a bench and surround themselves with as many pairs of dumbells as they can possibly need. Then when someone else needs them they can't because  they don't know if they'll need it! I mean how gready can you be!

4. Incomplete reps:
Okay so we've all done this a few times but when you do it for evey rep of every set all day long it seriously damages any impact your diet and training will have and may even increase your risk of injury. Just drop the weight and do it properly, It really does do more good and will help you build more muscle despite being lighter because you are actually using the right muscles to build up the target instead of using your back to swing the weight around all day.

5. Alter egos:
Some guys stroll into the gym and lift the heaviest weight they can see, they don't care if they can't do it, they just want to get some attention. Then they ask for a spot and the spotter does all the work. They never get stronger and honestly they never learn. (well until they get injured). Guilty of not leaving the ego at home.

6. Balancing acts:
People who do alot of work on a bosu can be very annoying. The bosu exercises do work well for core strength and balance, but there is a limit as to what you can do. Don't over do it or you'll end up looking like a circuis performer. If you are struggling to balance then the exercise isn't working you need to calm it down or lower the weight and soon your goals will arrive. If you don't, well the rest of us will get a good laugh when you fall.

7. Too much going on:
Others hate it when 1 person uses 4-5 machines at once and then complains when someone uses one of these machines despite not having used it for 10 minutes. I mean come on people I know I've suggested super setting BUT NOT WITH HALF OF THE GYM!

8. Envy:
Don't be jealous of other members and stop trying to out compete them when you train. This is nothing but an ego trip and will do nothing for you, other than agrivate you or depress you. All you can ever measure your training against is your past sessions. As long as your improving and lifting more gradually then you're on the right track and soon you'll be right up there with the best.

9. Bad manners:
People who see you are waiting to use a machine but don't offer to allow you to work in can be very annoying as you can feel your energy levels rising and your heart rate slowing.  In short your workout is becoming less effective and less intense! I mean come on 'Sorry am i disrupting your 5 MINUTE rest period!?'
10. Large groups:
Trainig with a partner is a good way to build determination as well as muscle when your in the gym. Together you push harder and keep each other going till the end. However big groups can be a nightmare for other people in the gym. Not only does it cause excess traffic but it mean that it will take forever to get on the bench or squat rack because it takes them 30 minutes to complete their session!!
11. Leaving puddles:
Come on people, you wouldn't leave that river of sweat on your own equipment at home, so why when I come to use the tredmill after you is there always a huge pile of sweat all over it! Wipe it up or get out now!!
12. Bad Spotters:
I hate it when your tring to bench press and you ask someone to spot you and just as you start to struggle abit with the weight and squeeze out the last rep he hauls it off you. In future only touch the bar if it starts to go down again or I ask you to! Also if I have more reps left in me then let me push myself harder, encourage me to do those last few reps, don't just panic and pull the bar off me once I reach the original aim.

14. Taking over the fountain:
Filling your water ottle is fine, just wait till everyone who only wants a sip is done, cause your only wasting our time and your own trying to fill the bottle at a small fountain. Next time come preprepared!If there are other things that you notice in the gym that annoy you leave me a comment or email me at and I will put them up here.