Sunday 29 September 2013

Mr Olympia 2013

So, it all came down to the big guns once again. The Mr Olympia athletes gathered in Las Vegas, Nevada for the 49th annual Mr Olympia contest. Would Phill Heath claim his third or would the torch be passed?

This year was predicted to be the most competitive show ever in Olympia history with not only 3 previous Olympia winners all going for the title, but with exciting new prospects like Big Ramy and with 21 competitors this year, anything could happen.

So Friday came and the press conference shed some light on who wanted it more with both Phil Heath and Kai Greene exchanging remarks and Dennis Wolf form Germany staking a claim to be in his best shape ever. But of course this was all just talk, would it hold up on Friday and Saturday for the prejudging and posing? On the morning of Friday 27th September the athletes gathered and spent hour after hour posing in different orders and formations as the judges attempted to find any weaknesses or subtle differences in each mans physique. After this comparison was concluded it appeared that 4 time Mr Olympia jay Cutler wouldn't make the top 6 and that once again Phil had walked away with his title, but could he maintain his dominance into Saturday nights live show?

As the darkness settled across Las Vegas and the bright neon lights began to pound the night sky, the athletes gathered to do one final battle in their attempt to claim the title of Mr Olympia 2013. Each athletes individual posing routine showed improvements from the day before with a lot of people's conditioning improving especially in the case of Kai Greene who appeared to be the main threat to Phil as the night wore on. When it came to the final posedown we were not disappointed and the athletes provided some never before seen action in Mr Olympia history with all 10 final competitors leaving the safety of the stage to walk among the fans and show their wares to those who had so valiantly supported them over the last few months and days.

But in the end it all came down to the judges and with unanimous decision they awarded the title of Mr Olympia, the Sandow trophy, the gold medal and a check for $250,000 to their 2013 winner.......... PHIL HEATH.

Men's top 10 places:
1. Phil Heath (x3 Mr.O)
2. Kai Greene
3. Dennis Wolf
4. Shawn Rhoden
5. Dexter Jackson (x1 Mr.O)
6. Jay Cutler (x4 Mr.O)
7. Roelly Winklaar
8. Mamdouh Elssblay
9. Branch Warren
10. Lionel Beyeke

In other Olympia news Iris Kyle became the most successful olympia competitor ever by securing her 9th Ms Olympia award and she looks strong for a few years yet. In the 212 weight class Wales' James 'Flex' Lewis secured his second Olympia title whilst in the women's physique showdown the title went to Dana Linn Bailey.

If you want to watch the final posedown here is the link:

Sunday 22 September 2013

Sleep Benefits

This video discuses Sleep, how much you should be aiming for, why, and what the benefits to training and muscle building that good sleep provides. Check it out below:

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Sunday 15 September 2013

Abs circuit 4

This Abs circuit has 3 levels and requires no equipment so can be used anywhere, so long as you have enough space to assume a plank and sit up position.The circuit is designed to target all of the Abdominal area, (abs, seratus, obliques and lower back.)
In this circuit style training there are no rep ranges, instead I want you to do as many reps as you can, with good form in 20 seconds per exercise.

Circuit 1:
Abdominal crunch - 20 seconds
Reverse crunch (knee crunch)  - 20 seconds
Toe touches - 20 seconds (feet in close to bum)
Flutter kicks - 20 seconds
Plank - 20 seconds

Circuit 2:
Sit ups - 20 seconds
Lying leg raises - 20 seconds
Toe touches - 20 seconds (put your feet further out)
Scissor kicks - 20 seconds
Plank with alternate hand raises - 20 seconds

Circuit 3:
V-shaped sit ups - 20 seconds
Lying leg raises lifting hips up as well - 20 seconds
Russian twists - 20 seconds
Alternate scissor kicks and flutter kicks (4 of each) - 20 seconds
Plank with alternate hand and feet raises - 20 seconds

Beginners, I recommend using circuits 1 and 2, perform circuit 1 twice with 30-60 seconds rest between circuits and then finish with circuit 2.
Intermediates, I recommend using all 3 in order with 30-45 seconds rest between circuits
Advanced, I recommend using either all three in order with only 30 seconds rest between circuits and perform each exercise for 30 seconds each, or perform circuit 2 twice and then circuit 3.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Harvard step test

The Harvard step test is a simple but effective fitness test that you can perform in around 2 minutes to test your fitness levels and to monitor your fitness levels over a few months.
It is super easy to do and only requires 1 piece of kit.

How does it work?
Its easy all you need is a simple exercise bench or step, like the reebok bench below. Place it in front of you and step up with both feet firmly in the middle of the bench and then both feet back down on the floor, repeat this movement as fast as possible for the time limit making sure that both feet are in the middle of the bench with each step, not just on the edge.
Your aim is to make 120 steps in 90 seconds. If you complete the 120 steps before the 90 seconds are up you pass. But that doesn't mean you stop. If you keep going for the 90 seconds it allows you to use it again and try to beat your number of steps next time.
If you don't make the 120 steps then record your score and try again in a week or two and see if you improve.

If you want to make it harder try to increase the step height by using a bigger bench or hold some dumbbells in your hands to make it harder.
Give it a go and see what you get!

Sunday 1 September 2013

V-Bench Crunch

Here is a great Abs move that not only helps to develop balance and stability, but does this whilst working the upper and lower sections of the abs. It can be performed with or without the medicine ball. I usually use a 3-4 kg ball and try to keep it slow and controlled, squeeze the Abs at the top for a second for extra contraction and definition. Check out the video below:

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