Thursday 6 October 2011

The 5% solution

This post is based on Charles Poliquin's strategy for shattering the plateau feeling that many men get when they train.
When you are building muscle there are lots of ways to structure your exercises to get good results, but soon your body can adapt to the programme that it is worked at and eventually you end up plateauing. This easy startegy will help you up your stength almost every time you train and hopefully help prevent yor muscle growth stalling.

You increase your load by around 5% each time you train for two workouts in a row while reducing the target reps by one for each rep increase. Then after the third workout, your reduce the weight by 5% bt go back to the starting number of reps. For example;

This simple plan allows you to gradually increase your power without allowing your body to 'acclimatise' or get used to a certain routine as it is constantly changing and should help to prevent you stalling in yuor progress.

However once you exceed your body weight the 5% increase may be too much to take on and so i suggest lowering to % or doing everything twice before moving on. E.g work out 1 twice, then work out 2 twice and so on so you have extra time to build up the required strength and yet you wont stop increasing your overall strength.

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