Sunday 30 October 2011

Pull your weight

This post is all about pull ups. The pull up is an old exercise that everyone has seen or done at some part in their life. Suprisingly though it is still rated as one of the best exercises for training your bicep and / or back muscles.
In this post I have listed 5 ways to boost your pull up reps max from beginner level to a more advanced routine.
1. If you find it hard to do a few pull ups then try doing negative reps. Using a bench or by jumping up so that your chin is over the bar lower yourself slowly back down. Make the reps last for at least 15 seconds to get the benifit out of it. The almost stayic hold as you slowly lower youself will aid strength gains and soon you'll be able to do more reps.

2. This tip comes from fitness coach 'Pavel Tsatsouline' that he calls "greasing the groove". Simply position a bar somewhere you will pass often during your workout, or at home and do a set up pull ups to failure every time you pass it. Soon youll be able to last longer than ever before.

3. Lowering the rest time between sets can help to increase your rep number maximums for pull ups. By lowering the rest times to around 30 seconds between sets you give the muscle less time to recover and so this increases the amount of resistance you can take before you give up. This way when you come do do your first set next time around your body will have adapted to recover faster and so you will be able to do more reps.

4. Add a weight. By holding a dumbell between your feet, or hanging a weight from your belt as you do pull ups increases the amount of weight you are used to pulling. Over time your muscles will become used to the extra load, so when you remove this you will feel lighter and so will be able to do more reps.

5. This tip is from Men's Fitness magazine. The say that once you are getting good amounts of reps in, (15-20) then you should start to perform a one set max every morning and afternoon for a month. By the end of the month your repititions will have dramatically increased and you'll feel stronger.

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