Tuesday 17 January 2012

Blitz Your Belly

This post contains a mixture of cardio and body weight circuits that take less than 15 min to do and each one is a great metabolism booster that will help you shread those pounds like there no tomorrow and replace it with lean muscle.

1. The unlucky run:
This has been touched upon before on this blog and is the longest session I will discuss but it is also one of the best for burning calories. Simply get on the tredmill and set it to a steady pace for 12 minutes, then on the final minute (13th) hold in the speed button till your going into an all out sprint and finish the last minute at this pace before stopping the tredmill. This prolonged burst of speed after the run will help burn extra clories by reving up your metabolism and also increase your overall fitness. Try to beat your distance covered next time you try.

2. Press, suatt, pull:
This three way circuit combined push ups, squat thrusts and wide grip pull ups to give you a quick, all over workout. Check out the video below to see how its done and only do this in 1 minute bursts but try to keep your rest times between sets low to keep your metabolism at a higher level for longer.

3. The 3 teir:
An all out, full blown bodyweight monster of a workout. And it only takes 3 minutes. This will surely seperate the men from the boys. In this session you have a maximum time limit of three minutes and you have to perform the following exercises, 10 press ups, 10 sit ups, 10 burpees (knees to chest), then 20 press ups, 20 sit ups, 20 burpees, then 30 press ups, 30 sit ups, 30 burpees . This is the equivilent of one rep a second for the 3 minute period. Sounds tough? thats because it is.

4. The fastest mile:
This is a quick cardio session again using a tredmill. Simply get on and cover the distance: 1 mile (1.6km) as fast as you can and then try to beat your time next time you do this. It acts a s a quick metabolism booster and will drive your calorie burning levels through the roof if yuo realy push yourself.

5. Press ups to failure:
This is an easy way to build up your endurance and build lean muasle at the same time. Simply do 3-4 sets of press ups to failure (until you can't do any more) and then take a 30 second break and go again. It sonds ok but if you are pushing yourself to do as many as possible, then this can be as good as 15 mins on the tredmill at a reasonable jog!

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