Tuesday 3 April 2012


This week I thought I’d address the problem that faces a lot of athletes and body builder beginners. This mainly revolves around not understanding what you want or how to achieve what you want, mainly due to false rumours and mixed information.
Firstly I should point out that there are two posts already on this topic on the blog, the genetics page and the post ‘rep rules’. But I’m going to address the three main things that help me with my aims and training every single day, and that’s D.D.T.

D = Diet

You have to get your nutrition right if you want to see the improvements quickly and feel the muscles growing as you train. Emphasis on seeing the improvements because you will find that once people start bulking diets they immediately start to pig out on anything they can reach so long as it has over 5 grams of protein in it! But this doesn’t help because you’ll either end up bloated and not wanting to train today because you don’t feel well, or don’t want to look fat in the gym. Or you’ll cover any muscle gains with an extra layer of blubber. Similarly you need to do the same if you are shredding, don’t just eat nothing all day, give your muscles the protein and other nutrients they need whilst managing the carbs and fat levels.
In my opinion Diet is the most important part to get right because you could lift all the weights you want but if you don’t give your body the tools to recover and grow, your beat.

D = Dedication

You need to be dedicated. If you have a training routine STICK TO IT! Don’t procrastinated and say ‘oh its okay I’ll do it tomorrow’ because it wont help and if anything you’ll just encourage yourself to procrastinate on more days. I’m not saying get in the gym and train till you drop every day. But stick to your routine or you’ll never get where you want.
Also if you aren’t seeing any improvements after a week, don’t just give up. Especially if your trying to gain size or strength it takes far longer to see the results than you think but if you can stick at it the gains when they come are worth it.
So get in that gym and get working now! Also those people who want to get bigger and then when they train and are sore or stiff the next day, THAT MEANS ITS WORKING!

Don’t give me the whole oh I hate legs dayas ZYZZ says ‘You ****ing love leg day. You can’t wait to ****ing squat’ You wouldn’t be training your legs like that unless you wanted them to grow!

T= Training
You need to get your training right if you want to make gains, get shredded or get fit. This is where the previous posts come into play. You need to research what your genetic type is first and what training works best for you. Then look at what your goal is, to loose weight, gain muscle and size, get fit… and then see what rep range, cardio sessions and weight you should be doing and do it!

Getting the right training is vital otherwise you’ll end up wasting your money on nutrition and your gym membership because you aren’t putting dedicated hours of work in/ your doing the wrong things!

So in future remember the vital DDT!

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