Monday 9 July 2012

Spiderman Crawl

In the light of the new Amazing Spiderman movie I thought I’d share a move that even the famous wall crawler would be proud of. This is a full body move that helps build balance and all-round strength.
So, you will need to dumbbells, about 4kg-8kg. Hold them in each hand and get into a push-up position. From here reach one hand and the same leg forward, from his position do a push-up, then reach forward with the other arm and leg and again do a press up.
Aim to complete 8-10 reps with each hand per set and around 3-5 sets for the best results. You’ll also need a reasonably open and straight area to perform this move, try using a separate gym hall, or fitness studio if your gym has one, if not then try to stick to the channels where there are no cardio or weights machines to maintain a straight path for this move.
By using light dumbbells you will be working nearly all of the muscles in your upper body, with triceps, shoulders and chest working in the push-up and biceps and back working in the reach. Also your core is being worked hard to keep your balance and your legs are worked in each step forward.

By performing the push-ups at an awkward angle it hits the muscles in a different way that they aren’t used to. This is extremely useful for sports that require movement in constantly changing angles and positions, such as most combat sports and gymnastics. Also by constantly shifting your centre of gravity your abs are forced to work harder to maintain your stability and balance.

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