Thursday 26 July 2012

Time Under Tension

This is the time that your muscles are under 'stress' or tension whilst lifting weights.It means that you lift the weight in a controlled and steady motion making sure that the muscle fibres are stimulated to the max in every rep, therefore helping you make the best gains.
The main aim of this training style is to take all the momentum that helps you lift the weight out of the equation, in a sense you focus on each individual rep as its own rep, not as part of a bigger set. This not only improves your control over the muscle but increases its overal stimulation in each set and therefore should lead to faster gains. You've all seen the swingers in the gym, the chest bouncers and the guys who have poor form, and a sa result have poorer muscle definition or size. Well by using time under tension your results and shape will start to improve.

Focus especially on the negative section of each rep and the exploding up from the base into a perfect lift. This will therefore work both the fast and slow twitch muscle fibres, and give you a better all round workout, combining muscle gains and power, whilst reducing risk of injury.
another way to improve your muscles time under tension is to squeese the muscle at the top of each rep, forcing the blood into the muscle and getting more of a pump, this will help to bring out more definition in the muscle and help your gains.

If you struggle with negative reps on every rep then start slowly, wait until the last rep, finish it and then do a negative rep after this to finish the set. For example try doing 8 reps of chest press and as the 8th rep gets to the top, lower it back to your chest as slowly as you can, and build it up from there.

Always remember that momentum in your lifts, will build muscle, a little. But by controlling the weight and really squeesing and stimulating the muscle with each rep it will not only increase your gains but reduce your risk of injury and help with lean definition after you cut down your bodyfat.
So always remember TIME UNDER TENSION!

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