Sunday 15 December 2013

Amir Khan full body workout

Khan uses a range of intense full body circuits to help him burn fat, build speed and explosive power and pack on lean muscle. When discussing this workout routine Khan's trainer, Alex Ariza says, "Aim for completeness. It's no good having speed, but no power, or strength and no balance." 

In the following circuit you will use 90% of the muscle in your body as well as working all of the main muscle groups that are needed for any great martial artist and boxer. Perform each of the exercises shown below for 30 seconds, then move straight onto the next exercise, with no gaps in between, rest for 1-2 minutes in between circuits and then go again. You want to repeat this 3-4 times to get the most out of it.

1. Barbell punch - Take a barbell and turn it upright with the top leaning towards you at an angle, punch the bar out in rapid bursts of 5 punches per arm and keep switching arms until the 30 seconds are up. This will mostly work your triceps, shoulders and core.

2. Explosive press ups - Assume a push up position and either perfrom clap push ups or normal push ups but make sure that your hands leave the floor with each rep. To make it harder bring in a step and place one hand on the step, as you explode up from the push up use your abs and legs to completely lift your body off the ground and leap across to the other side of the bench. This will work your chest, shoulders and triceps as well as your core.
check out the video if your unsure -

3. Wall ball squats - Hold a medicine ball in your hands at chest level and squat down and explode up from the squat and throw the medicine ball up in the air like a basketball chest pass. as you catch the ball squat back down and repeat for the 30 seconds. This will work your legs, core and triceps.

4. Static hold - like a plank but with straight arms, this exercise requires an exercise ball. Place your feet on the ball and hold yourself steady with straight arms for the 30 seconds, to make it harder use a bosu as well and place your hands on it. This will aid your balance and core strength.

5. Medicine ball slam - Lift a medicine ball above your head then crunch your abs forwards as you slam the ball into the ground, catch it as it bounces and repeat. This will work your core and shoulders.

6. Farmers walk - lift the heaviest dumbbells you can and walk up and down a 10 metre line as many times as you can in the 30 seconds. This will aid your shoulder and trapesious muscles and help your stability.

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