Sunday 27 November 2011

Interview with Roger Snipes

This man knows all about the vital importance of sports nutrition, in keeping us going and gaining every time we train.

He says, "some of us train hard as second nature, others need a good kick before somthing actually happens. Whatever the case we all need motivation and for me, that comes in the shape of a comprehensive workout nutrition plan." But at the same time always remember that, "the mission is to leave the gym with a severe pump and dripping with sweat by any mena snecessary."

He calims that "Hitting the weights with no food or some kind of supplement is like driving a 4 litre vehicle with an empty tank on the motorway, 'your not gonna get very far' if anywhere at all." "the same goes for post workout. Many people don't understand the major importance of it and train for hours in the gym, the eat a chocolate bar because they feel they deserve it or their depleted energy levels demand sugar." He descibes the need for protein after a workout as, "ignoring signs of depletion or starving muscles is like working an entire month for your wages, and then when you are finally paid, you take it to a beting shop and lose everything"

This is what Roger snipes' post workout nutrition consists of:
IMMEDIATELY AFTER TRAINING = 2 scoops of PhD recovery 2:1
The name speaks for itself, RECOVERY! It provides the right levels of carbs, protein and L-glutamine to replenish and sustain muscle growth and is one of the best value for money products on the market.

He then has a solid meal around 90minutes after the gym. This is typically chicken / fish with rice.

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