Thursday 17 November 2011

My arms routine

Well tonight im training Bicep's and triceps so I thought I'd share my routine with you so that you can get some idea's about how to structure your workout routines and maybe give you some new ideas for your own training.

Workout Routine:
1. Bench press: (3sets 10reps) + (4 sets of 8 reps) 
2. Seated curls (5 sets of 10 reps)
3. Tricep pull down (5 sets of 10 reps)
4. Held ab crunches (100 reps)
5. Bar curls (5 sets of 10 reps) - superset with next exercise
6. Tricep push down (5 sets of 10 reps)     
7. Single hand preacher curls (5 sets of 8 reps)
8. Held ab crunches with medicine ball (10 reps)
9. Concentratioin curls (5 sets of 10 reps)
10. Tricep bench (4 sets of 10 reps)
11. 21's (3 sets of 21 reps)

I prefer to work the antagonistic muscle groups in opposites to each other. (i.e one is a push, tricep, and one is a pull, bicep, movement) so the stretch each other out as you work and so you have more endurance and can lift heavier for longer during the worout.
I also find that supersetting allow me to add a cardio element to the workout as it means more work with less rest time in between sets and also does more muscle damage and forces the body to repair the damaged muscle faster and so makes your strength gains come faster.

By adding the two short sessions of ab crunches every three exercises it allows my arms to have a short ( 5min) break and allow a small amount of recovery before the next few exercises. It also prevents a rest time for my cardiovascular movements die to the constant motion of the abs during the crunches and prevents my heart rate or metabolic rate from dropping whislt I recover. Also its a good way to get some good ab work into the session.

Finally by finishing with the 21's it allows me to work the biceps to failure. "1's are a great way to train your biceps and are a form of endurance training b forcing your muscle so work overtime causing a build up of lactic acid. Simply pick up a bar or set of dumbells that are lighter than you normally curl, but not too much lighter. Then do 7 reps from full extension of the arm to 90 degrees, the 7 reps from 90 degrees to the top and thn a final 7 reps of full curls. the slower the better but as I said it really gives your muscles that burning snsation when done right and so its best to leave it till last.

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