Sunday 11 December 2011

Great Ab's Tips

Want to know the best ways to train your abs and maximise your results? Then check out these top tips from some expert abs trainers. Its based on the most commonly asked questions about when and how to train your six pack:

Q1. What do most people neglect when training their abs?
Matthew Moulton - Their core muscles, the stronger the core the greater variety of abdominal exercises you will be able to perform and so you will get more gains faster.
Chris Rogers - agrees and claims that peole neglect the core muscle in their earnest to do endless amounts of crunches.
Phil Learney - People tend to train their abs in the suprine position (on their back), but trunk flexion should be balanced with trunk extension and prone exercises such as rollouts, jack knifes, planks and hip work to target the lower abs, and overall core.

Q2. How often can I train my abs?
Mattew Moulton - 2-3 times a week should be sufficient to see noticable differences in muscle development. as recovery time is essential to build muscle tissue.
Phil Learney - Agrees. As it provides maximum abdominal stimulus and recovery in between sessions.
Jack Lovett - Agrees. This is because your abs are less prone to suffering high amunts of micro trauma thn the rest of your muscle groups, allowing multiple training sessions per week.

Q3. Top tips for great abs?
Matthew Moulton - Variety. Create a cocktail of abdominal exercises to incorporate both lifting and lowering weight under tension, as well as moves that involve contraction but not movement such as the plank or 6 inches hold.

Jack Lovett - Correct your diet iof you can't see your abs. If your diet is poor and your carrying a high level of body fat you will never have a visible six pack. (more on this in the next blog post)

Chris Rogers - Spend more time doing fat burning compuond exercises, such as squatts, bench press, military press, dead lifts, etc. And make sure you keep on top of your diet.

Phil Learney - Get your nutrition right. Most peole have well formed abs, they just can't see them. Concentrate on big muscle joint exercises such as squatts and dead lifts to boost your metabolism and shread those extra pounds and nail your diet.

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