Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's Protein Time!

We all know that they best way to encourage muscle growth and fat loss is though your nutritional strategy. In this post I'll try to explain what and when different supplements will work best and the required amount of protein you should consume each day.

How Much?
Well I thought I'd start you of easily. Accourding to mist sports websites and research the maximum amount of proetein you should consume each day is around double your body weight in grams. E.g If I weighed 78kg  I could have a maximum of 156 grams ( 78 x 2) of protein daily before no more benifits were available and any minor health risk, (kidney stones ..) became an issue. So theres the limits of your protein consumption. However anything over your body weight in grams is going to work well.

What kind?
Well talking about protein alone its best to have a wide variety of solid and supplement forms of protein in your diet as each has added nutrients which help the body recover and repair muscle faster or in different ways. For example chicken contains vitamins B3, B6 and B12, which help release energy from food. Where as beef contains creatine which can help with overall strenght and muscle gains.
Also don't forget about other forms of protein such as organic yoghurt (up to 10 grams per pot) and nuts (which can have anything between 15-30 grams of good quality protein per 100 grams).
In terms of supplements the best proetin source seems to be pure Whey Protein as it is easily digestable and conatins a variety of extra nutrients which will boost its effects and your recovery times. Currently I am taking PhD's Whey Protein and have noticed some good gains as well as its quick break down in the shakes and easy digestion.

What time?
This part is more tricky to single out as there are different times for different aims.
In terms of general best times to take a supplement the list is as follows:
  • The most important time is right after a workout. Your muscles are like a sponge having swollen so much during your trainingand need instant nutrition for muscle recovery and growth.

  • Right before bed. You're about to sleep for 6 to 8 hours. That's a long time without protein.
    Could you imagine going throughout your day (when awake) not eating 6 to 8 hours?
    Right before bed is important.

  • Right upon waking. Same thing, you've just gone 6 to 8 hours without proper nutrition. Your body needs protein quick.

  • Half hour before a workout. This sets up the "anabolic window" before your workout and provides your muscles with adequate nutrition so that the effects of weight training are not as severe (weight training breaks down musclein a process called catabolic reaction).

  • However when you take specific aims into account then the information become less clear. However there are some good tios I can give:

    1. Bulking Up: Basically in this process the same rules as before apply as you are aiming to get as much food in as possible so take it before and after your workout and of course first tim=hing in the morning to get your body going for the rest of the day and to keep you growing.

    2. Lean muscle gains: Take your protein shake before your workout, preferably 1hour - 30 mins before you enter the gym. This will allow the protein to get to work throughout the workout instead of after it and will give a leaner body as it reduces the muscle damage and so leads to strength gains without the extra bulk.

    3. Weight loss: Well the thing is a protein rich diet can aid weight loss due to the fact that you will feel fuller for longer and it takes more time and calories to break it down so you will eat less and burn more fat! I suggest taking protein in the morning as a smoothie and then pre-workout, but don't over load the protein supplements, maybe just a few times a week.

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